Yijia Xu (许逸葭)


Doctoral Student at QuICS

Curriculum Vitae


I am a graduate student at Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science. My research interest is quantum information and quantum error correction. For discrete-variable systems, I am interested in topological error-correcting codes and their relation to topological orders. For continuous-variable systems, I am interested in stabilizer codes and operations defined on Lie group quantum systems, including oscillator and rotor codes. My advisor is Victor V. Albert.

Research interests:


  1. Yijia Xu, Yixu Wang, Christophe Vuillot, and Victor V. Albert, Letting the tiger out of its cage: bosonic coding without concatenation arXiv:2411.09668
  2. Yixu Wang, Yijia Xu, and Zi-Wen Liu, Encoded quantum gates by geometric rotation on tessellations arXiv:2410.18713 upcoming talk at QIP 2025
  3. Zijian Liang, Yijia Xu (equal contribution), Joseph T. Iosue and Yu-An Chen, Extracting topological orders of generalized Pauli stabilizer codes in two dimensions PRX Quantum 5, 030328
  4. Yijia Xu, Yixu Wang (equal contribution), and Victor V. Albert, Clifford operations and homological codes for rotors and oscillators Phys. Rev. A 110, 022402 and talk at TQC 2024
  5. Yu-An Chen, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Yijia Xu (alphabetical order), Error-correcting codes for fermionic quantum simulation SciPost Phys. 16, 033 (2024)
  6. Yijia Xu, Yixu Wang (equal contribution), En-Jui Kuo, and Victor V. Albert, Qubit-oscillator concatenated codes: decoding formalism & code comparison PRX Quantum 4, 020342
  7. Sun-Ting Tsai, Eric Fields, Yijia Xu, En-Jui Kuo, and Pratyush Tiwary, Path sampling of recurrent neural networks by incorporating known physics Nature Commun 13, 7231 (2022)
  8. En-Jui Kuo, Yijia Xu (equal contribution), Dminik Hangleiter, Andrey Grankin, and Mohammad Hafezi, Boson Sampling for Generalized Bosons Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043096
  9. Yu-An Chen and Yijia Xu (alphabetical order), Equivalence between fermion-to-qubit mappings in two spatial dimensions PRX Quantum 4, 010326
  10. Yu-An Chen, Andrew M. Childs, Mohammad Hafezi, Zhang Jiang, Hwanmun Kim, and Yijia Xu (alphabetical order), Efficient product formulas for commutators and applications to quantum simulation Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013191


Ongoing Projects